Guiding Yourself, Your Parents, or Your Loved Ones Through

Graceful Aging Transitions

"Give" or "Practice" the best care you can. We’ll show you how!

Guiding Yourself, Your Parents, or Your Loved Ones Through

Graceful Aging Transitions

"Give" or "Practice" the best care you can. We’ll show you how!

Our Wellness Services

Personalized Concierge Services

While caring for a loved one at home, we offer 3 months of individualized care planning to improve quality of life decisions and actions

Individual Dietary Plans

Harness your daily and life-long well-being through food

Corporate Consultation

From monthly meal plans to annual plans to public speaking engagements

Our Wellness Services

Personalized Concierge Services

While caring for a loved one at home, we offer 3 months of individualized care planning to improve quality of life decisions and actions

Individual Dietary Plans

Harness your daily and life-long well-being through food

Corporate Consultation

From monthly meal plans to annual plans to public speaking engagements

About Us

Meet Suzanne Cryst

Suzanne has years of experience of successfully helping people through this exact transition, including her own late parents. Together, with her hand picked team, we can answer the questions you have and offer personal, tailor made advice to help you through this difficult time.

We believe that most of the time you CAN care for your loved ones at home in their autumn years and we'd love to help you in what can feel like a challenging and uncertain time.

We also offer individual health plans, small business training sessions, and educational series, designed to assist those who are facing changing life events. Suzanne and her team craft unique, holistic programs that take an advisory approach to each client's needs whether nutrition related, financial, emotional, physical, or environmental.

About Us

Meet Suzanne Cryst

Suzanne has years of experience of successfully helping people through this exact transition, including her own late parents. Together, with her hand picked team, we can answer the questions you have and offer personal, tailor made advice to help you through this difficult time.

We believe that most of the time you CAN care for your loved ones at home in their autumn years and we'd love to help you in what can feel like a challenging and uncertain time.

We also offer individual health plans, small business training sessions, and educational series, designed to assist those who are facing changing life events. Suzanne and her team craft unique, holistic programs that take an advisory approach to each client's needs whether nutrition related, financial, emotional, physical, or environmental.

Our Philosophy

At Transition Health Solutions, we believe that physical and mental well-being go hand in hand. Our mantra is that teamwork is vital in becoming our best selves. Our program is educational and supportive throughout the entire journey and our methods foster sustainable change for your well-being.

Reserve a time now to chat about our wide variety of wellness services!

Our Philosophy

At Transition Health Solutions, we believe that physical and mental well-being go hand in hand. Our mantra is that teamwork is vital in becoming our best selves. Our program is educational and supportive throughout the entire journey and our methods foster sustainable change for your well-being.

Reserve a time now to chat about our wide variety of wellness services!




Suzanne and her team have been partnering on research and publishing nutrition and wellness-related care for over a decade. Their wealth of knowledge about aging and the transitions of life are directly reflected in the programs they've built that you can leverage in the office or at home.

Our vision is to empower seniors to continue living life to the fullest while staying rooted in the place they hold dear - their own homes.

A journey of a thousand miles

begins with a single step.


5215 Fishcreek Rd,
Stow, OH 44224, USA

Phone: (937) 620-7387

A journey of a thousand miles

begins with a single step.


5215 Fishcreek Rd,
Stow, OH 44224, USA

Phone: (937) 620-7387

All Rights Reserved. Transition Health Solutions 2024